Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Alka-Seltzer Experiment Ideas Essay

1.) Put Alka-Seltzer in different liquids and observe the reactions. 2.) Put Alka-Seltzer in different sealed containers (film canisters, sandwich bags, etc. and observe the reactions. 3.) Explore activity using Pop Rocks candy. 4.) Put Alka-Seltzer tablets into four different liquids (milk, orange juice, Coke, water) observe the reactions. 5.) Place Alka-Seltzer on a plate and pour a steady stream of water on it to see if it reacts any differently than dropping it into a cup of water. 6.) Does the temperature of the water make a difference in the amount of time it takes the tablet to dissolve? 7.) Will different liquids affect the time it takes to dissolve? 8.) Take three cups of water filled to the same height. Drop  ½ tablet in one cup, one tablet in another cup, and 2 tablets in the third cup. How long will it take each to completely dissolve? 9.) Compare/contrast what the reactions will be then Alka-Seltzer is dropped in a glass of milk, another carbonated drink, as well as water. 10.) Place a plant in a sealed environment. Somehow extract all air and place an Alka-Seltzer and water into the sealed environment. The CO2 released can be observed to see if it will enhance plant growth. 11.) Place Alka-Seltzer in a small bottle of water. Fit a balloon to the top of the bottle. The balloon will fill with â€Å"air.† 12.) Have children create their own rocket from construction paper. Affix  rocket to a film canister. Place Alka-Seltzer in the film canister with water. Have children put the lid on the film canister, set it down, and observe â€Å"lift-off.† 13.) Place an Alka-Seltzer tablet inside of a water bottle and immediately seal the bottle so that there is no air flow going into or out of the bottle. What will happen? 14.) Compare/contrast the time it takes to dissolve in water and soda pop. 15.) * Balloon * grind up Alka-Seltzer * put in balloon * add water, tie off * watch balloon expand Explore – Why does it expand? What will happen over time to expand the balloon? Explain – Gas if formed and causes balloon to expand. Balloon will shrink over time due to gas expanding.

Effect of Technology on Human Life

HAS TECHNOLOGY DELIVERED ON ITS PROMISE OF HUMAN BETTERMENT? PRESENTED TO DR. KRISTEN DOMIKE BY IMAOBONG UMOESSIEN 114279 ON 20 NOVEMBER 2012 UPEI ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to understand and answer the question â€Å"Has Technology Delivered On Its Promise Of Human Betterment? †. To do so, we searched for the effects of medical technology on humans, using articles from the textbook and internet, the summary of lectures undergone over the semester and personal experience.Using ideas from the article â€Å"The Blow Back Of Duality†, I agreed that as medical technology became progressively fruitful, we encounter even more harmful diseases, although I disagreed with the author that this is basis for refuting the total effect of technology on health. From the article â€Å"The Post Modern: A Transparent Society†, the author says that the mass media has caused more confusion, however the media has also made it possible for the public to be aware of medi cal services.Innovations such as robotics and improved communication systems in medical technology have lessened the work load of professionals, allowed patients to be more involved in their health due to portable devices like diabetic regulation lenses and information, and increased longevity. Through showing various benefits of medical technology like to human betterment, it was concluded that technology has indeed delivered on its promise of human betterment.Technology is moving at a whirlwind pace, growing exponentially, almost alarmingly, and as we get over our awe of the breakthroughs in technology, we begin to see the disadvantages, like the constantly improving weapon of mass destruction. In our alarm, we have taken a step back and posed the question to ourselves â€Å"Has Technology Delivered On Its Promise Of Human Betterment? †. The fact that we need to ask this question means that we are doubting the continued significance of technology to our daily lives.To answe r this question, we must first understand what technology is. There are many definitions we can use, but for the purpose of this paper, I will define technology as the modification of the natural environment in order to satisfy perceived human need and wants via the use of tools and the application of science. There are many applications of technology and the fact that it is so broad a topic forces us to chose one system where technology has been applied to answer this question clearly.From my point of view, the health sector is a perfect example. Medical technology is designed to improve the detection, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of disease and illness and has   been around since the cave man began using rocks as tools to perform trephening, a process where a hole is made in the body cavity in order to remove particles or release pressure, such as in the skull. Health care is the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of physical and mental impairments in humans.In the 1990à ¢â‚¬â„¢s, the annual mortality rate was one in forty two Americans, and the life expectancy was fifty years. Today, the average person has a life expectancy of seventy seven years with an annual mortality rate of one in a hundred and twenty five people (National Bureau of Economic Research). Because of advances in the quality of health care, a quality made possible because of medical technology, we can live longer and healthier. Being crippled no longer limits the variety of activities that you can indulge in.In terms of the health care industry, Technology has delivered on its promise of human betterment, because the health care industry is driven by advances in technology, such as the synthesis of drugs like penicillin which was the first drug that was effective against many serious diseases such as syphilis, improvement in machinery like the Magnetic Resonance Imaging which allows us to view internal structures of the body in detail and health care has improved human life and lon gevity. Medical technology has allowed for the control and cure of many diseases initially thought to be impossible to cure.Many of us have heard of the black death, also known as the bubonic plague. The bubonic plague is an infectious disease that is transmitted from small rodents and their fleas to human and kills two thirds of infected humans within four days. In the sixth century, the first recorded epidemic of the bubonic plague killed approximately twenty five million people in the roman empire only. In the fourteenth century, the black death struck again, killing 30% – 60% of the European population and a third of humanity (THE MIDDLE AGES. NET ).In the pre-antibiotic era, that is, before there was any medication (1900-1941), the mortality rate of those infected with the plague was 66%. Today in the United States, it has decreased to 11% (Plague in the United States). This is an instance where the effect of medical technology is profoundly shown. Today, with the proper treatment we see the bubonic plague as an inconvenience as opposed to the death sentence it was merely sixty years ago. However, as medical technology has made us more proficient in handling diseases, more dangerous diseases have sprung up for us to face.With the advancement in health came the advancement in the nature of illnesses faced daily, like cancer. This can be related to Jean Baudrillard’s point of view in the article â€Å"The Blow Back Of Duality† (Baudrillard, 2012). He believed that the blow back of duality is the way the world works already, an inevitable reconstruction of the world by nature that occurs as a reaction to our attempts to perfect the world we live in, in this case, curing ourselves of the black death. He goes on to use various examples to explain this, such as the paradox between life and death.In our attempt to perfect ourselves, we reject the fact that death is not the evil opposite of life, but instead an alternate form of existence, mu ch like how winter is not the opposite of spring, but instead an alternative weather condition. He pointed out that we are subject to gift and counter effect- a concept not too far from the scientific statement â€Å"every action has an equal and opposite reaction†. For example, the counter effect of terrorism against the gift of a government.I believe that this theory of the blow back of duality, with regards to medical science is exceptional. If we take past experiences like the plague as an example, we can infer that as technology increases in complexity, it will provide answers to questions we don’t have yet, much like how we have answers to the plague now but no answers to a disease like Epidermolysis Bullosa, a genetic connective tissue disease (Staff, 2011), and as it provides these answers, technology will make more questions in the process. This is a fine example of the blow back of duality.The mass media plays a great role in the conduction of medical activit ies. Due to the way information is shared indiscriminately on social networks patients have become a part of the diagnostic process. People now actively look up their symptoms in order to have an idea about what is wrong with them. Such self-serve elements could serve as helpful or detrimental. It would be helpful in the sense that the patient can have an in depth knowledge of what is wrong with them and have access to a wide range of knowledge that doctors do not always have.However, it could be detrimental should a patient come across the wrong information due to the wealth of information available. The variety of opinions available to us could also cause confusion, a situation well explained in Gianni Vattimo’s article, â€Å"The Post Modern: A Transparent Society† (Vattimo, 2012). Because the media, a sector of technology, is supposed to shed light on information, the counter effect it has of confusing does not deliver on technology’s promise of human better ment.He explains that the mass media, instead of making for a â€Å"transparent† society as it promised, exposes the voices of the minorities which will instead complicate the society with its differing viewpoints. Because of so many views being known, one can no longer have a single perception of reality, forcing people to adopt the intersections of so many different viewpoints made aware to us by the mass media. This would cause a more confusing reality as opposed to the â€Å"transparency† that the media promised.This is true when it comes to looking for information on medical conditions, as it often leads to confusion and differing opinions. However, I have found from personal experiences that human beings need to understand the things that affect them. If we want to only speak theoretically, then it would be beneficial if people didn’t search beyond what medical practitioners tell them but that is never the case. The media forces medical practitioners to be careful about their practice of medicine through its scrutiny of their activities and practices, which results in a high quality of healthcare.Since hospitals and firms want to succeed, they need to have outstanding credentials and standards. The media broadcasts these standards which results in the double effect of making organizations responsible and enhancing medical ethics. Wikis, networks and other sharing tools have given patients access to basic information which allows them manage their own health, limiting hospital trips and saving lives in some cases, for instance, in the publicizing of practices such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation and first aid. nd first aid. Also, the media makes the world and general public aware of advances that may be of benefit to them much sooner than word of mouth. The media also provides an endless database for information, and allows people from different parts of the world to also share personal experiences of treatments they received in thei r countries which can help others in places where such practices are not as common. The media creates awareness and allows people to get active in good causes.A good example can be seen in MTV’s collaboration with foursquare, where users of foursquare, a social network, are entered to win a trip for two to New York city and backstage passes to shows on MTV when they get themselves tested for STD,s, a campaign that sought to   Ã¢â‚¬Å"help young people become more aware of how common STDs are — according to MTV, one in two people will contract an STD by age 25. † (Johnson, 2010) When faced with these benefits, confusion stirred by the media, which can be cleared up by a trip to a nearby pharmacy, becomes an insignificant downside.Medical technology has gone beyond the media and plagues. There are many medical technology advancements underway, some already ongoing, robotic surgery for instance. Robotic surgery is the use of robots made in order to perform an array of surgical procedures in a minimally invasive manner. This is known as minimally invasive surgery, an advancement in health care which allows the surgeon to avoid full exposure of the structures and organs involved in a surgical procedure.This technological advancement has eliminated the most  physically and emotionally traumatic elements: the pain and lengthy recovery from â€Å"open† surgery. It has resulted in shorter hospital stays which saves money, less pain which increases comfort and quicker recoveries which promotes efficiency. Medical robots limit blood loss and are more precise. They offer doctors a clear magnified view that doctors could not get before, because their hands where in the way. Another kind of medical robot aids in dispensing prescriptions. edication errors harm 1. 5 million people each year in the U. S. , kill several thousand and cost the nation's healthcare system at least $3. 5 billion, according to a July 2006 report from the Institute of Med icine. The prescription dispensing robot eliminates the room for human error while doing the job eight times faster and allowing pharmacists to get more involved with patients (Technology and Medicine). Another innovative technological advancement is the Nanocomposite Contact Lenses for treating diabetes.This technology embeds nanoparticles into hydro gel lenses, which react with glucose molecules found in tears and cause a chemical reaction that change one’s eye colour. These specially made contact lenses for diabetics would continuously alert them to variations in their glucose levels simply by looking in a mirror. (7 Realy Cool Medical Tech Advancements Underway, 2010). On the iPhone it is already possible for individuals to measure their blood pressure through available apps. My mother used to use a heart rate monitor that alerted her as to when to take her drugs.Yet another hot topic in medicine is therapeutic cloning, a very controversial topic to say the least. And tho ugh it has been banned, its implications could be very useful. Therapeutic cloning aims to create embryonic stem cells that could be used to cure diseases or grow replacement organs. If it were allowed, this new technology could be used in many areas. It could be used with burn victims to regrow damaged skin, in the loss of a limb to regrow limbs and even brain damage where we can regenerate dead brain cells.An exceptional idea is the remote monitoring of patients from home, made possible by the use of pressure-sensitive mats in a patient's bed. This technology will allow doctors to remotely monitor sleeping patterns of their patients and detect abnormal situations such as fevers, breathing problems or falls. Data from the sensor mat is transmitted to the hospital securely over the Internet and, if a patient's movements deviate from the normal pattern, alerts are sent electronically to doctors, 911, or family members.The mat can be less intrusive and more efficient than a video came ra, visiting nurse or caregiver, and may be suitable for seniors who need regular monitoring but are reluctant to enter a nursing home. It may be argued that these technologies will replace one on one personal care that only trained healthcare professionals can deliver, but we can counter argue that not only does this allow medical professional to keep closer tabs on patients, this will also give the elderly a sense of dignity by allowing them to still be self sufficient without leaving them alone.Another important aspect of medicine where technology has and will come in handy is in the collection, storage and transfer of patient data and details. Communication between patients and doctors can extend beyond face to face meetings, allowing patients to communicate with their doctors through emails and instant messaging. Video chat provides a means for doctors to oversee medical process in dire situations over long distances, such as a situation where medical attention is required in h ard to reach areas.The digitization of healthcare, particularly in patient records, and the automation of back office operations such as filing and filling of data create a foundation for a future that offers more efficient patient care and cost savings and environmental friendly perspectives, by reducing the use of paper. For example, patient records can be accessed at a patient’s bedside via PDA. Pictures of a patient's injuries can be forwarded by paramedics from an accident site to help emergency hospital personnel assess and prepare for treatment while the patient is enroute to the hospital. Nortel Networks Corperation, 2009) Over the next decade, there will be major impacts of technology in healthcare, some of which are; * Up to date electronically clinic records which will allow staff to keep track of a patients existing drug and allergies to reduce chance of errors. * Equipment tracking which will allow apparatus to be found quickly for use, maintenance, and tracked f or loss or theft. * Multiple storage sites and networking will prevent loss of medical records and also made available when required. Community health will be interconnected with hospitals and other healthcare sites such as clinics, doctor offices and home care services to help provide quality patient care outside the bricks and mortar of a hospital. This will allow hospitals to decrease costs by managing resources more effectively. It can be argued that with the advancement in technology, there will be less job openings available due to robots doing the job of humans, or that the quality of patient-doctor relationships will diminish greatly because of gadgets.The fact is that as with everything in the world, there will be advantages and disadvantages. We have to weigh the pros and cons and decide which factors are more important than others. Medical technology allows us not just to save lives, but to do it efficiently and painlessly, allows us to live longer, giving us more time to spend on earth with our loved ones. It allows us to aid people regardless of where we are via the sharing of knowledge. When pit against quality of relationships, these things are monumental. The possibilities and reaches of Medical technology is merely scratching the surface.By simplifying time-consuming processes like prescription dispensing and eliminating some of the major causes of medical errors, technology will ensure the right skill level and right cost structure is in place to provide the best care effectively and efficiently. Technology may not solve all of the world's healthcare system's ills, but it's certainly a good place to start. These points help to certify that technology has delivered on its promise of human betterment, and from my point of view, will continue to do so for a long time to come.Works Cited 7 Realy Cool Medical Tech Advancements Underway. (2010, January 7). Retrieved November 18, 2012, from SherWeb: http://blog. sherweb. com/7-really-cool-medical-te ch-advancements-underway/ Baudrillard, J. (2012). The Blow Back of Duality. In R. Srigley, D. Coll, A. Duncan, G. Germain, ; C. Lacroix, Dreams of Perfection: Globalization and its Critics (pp. 40-42). Oxford University Press. Evans, J. T. , De Miranda, M. A. , ; Doggett, M. A. Medical Technology; Context and Content in Science and Technology. Johnson, S. 2010, September 1). How Will Location-based Social Media Affect Healthcare? . Retrieved November 17, 2012, from HCP Live: http://www. hcplive. com/pop-medicine/How-Will-Location-based-Social-Media-Affect-Healthcare Lambdin, S. , Bornstein, L. , Reichwaldt, K. , Garcia, J. , ; Lombard, H. Medical Advancements Due to Technology. National Bureau of Economic Research. (n. d. ). Why Do Death Rates Decline? Retrieved November 18, 2012, from the NATIONAL BUREAU of ECONOMIC RESEARCH: http://www. nber. org/digest/mar02/w8556. tml Nortel Networks Corperation. (2009, January 14). Technology's Impact on Healthcare. Retrieved November 19, 2012, from Nortel: http://www2. nortel. com/go/news_detail. jsp? cat_id=-10061&oid=100212311&locale=en-us&lcid=-1 Plague in the United States. (n. d. ). Retrieved Novemeber 16, 2012, from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: http://www. cdc. gov/plague/maps/index. html Staff, M. C. (2011, September 27). Epidermolysis Bullosa. Retrieved November 19, 2012, from Mayo Clinic: http://www. mayoclinic. om/health/epidermolysis-bullosa/DS01015 Technology and Medicine. (n. d. ). Retrieved November 19, 2012, from 123helpme!. com: www. 123helpme. com/view. asp? id=27669 THE MIDDLE AGES. NET . (n. d. ). Retrieved November 18, 2012, from The Black Death: Bubonic Plague: http://www. themiddleages. net/plague. html Vattimo, G. (2012). The Post Modern: A Transparent Society. In R. Srigley, D. Coll, A. Duncan, G. Germain, & C. Lacroix, Dreams of Perfection:Globalization and its Critics (pp. 43-48). Oxford University Press.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Prima facie Essay

Introduction According to the article, Rhino poaching is in no way shown as moral. The ethical issues I see are that people are ignoring the fact that this horrible act is occurring and many people who do know about it won’t do anything about it, but are able to waste time watching pointless videos. The You Tube interventions took a moral approach to help with the petition. Although some were offended, the majority signed the petition and became more aware of the world around them. Utilitarianism When studying the supreme principle of morality as utility, we must first examine the definition of utilitarianism. Utilitarianism the effort to answer the question of man ought to do. For a utilitarian, the answer is simple: Act to produce the best consequences possible for the greatest number of people possible. In this, liberty and harm are treated as an equal. The end goal is to produce a general welfare or Arthur’s collective well- being. Jeremy Bentham, one philosophical view we examined defined utilitarianism as the ethical system that judges actions to be moral to the extent they maximize happiness, producing pleasures, and preventing pains. According to Bentham, there is a possibility of good and bad consequences however; preventing suffering is what matters through pleasure and the avoidance of pain. John Stuart Mill was a follower of Benthams, and he came up with the principle of utility. He stated that â€Å"Nature has places mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters† these masters are pain and pleasure. This is an experience based principle. We learn through experience that we are governed through pleasure and pain. According to Brandt’s view on utilitarianism, if all you do is add up numbers, there still a possibility of producing an immoral outcome. Singer’s principles also exemplified this. In the article â€Å"YouTube Interventions to Save the Rhino†, Utilitarianism is exemplified in that there was a greater outcome for a greater number of people. Sure, some were offended, however in the cases that the petition was signed, the rhinos and animal activists were impacted positively. Also, the new act allowing this method of communication will help when it come t other disastrous situations. Also, the whole world was able to be impacted. This effort had a mass effect on the petition. In the end, rhinos could be saved and a great idea was introduced, even the offended learned that their time was not being used effectively and therefore had somewhat of a positive outcome. Deontology In the study of deontology, we use Kant and Foot’s philosophical views. Deontology can be considered duty-based ethics, and reason alone should be used when finding the moral duty this concerns and reason in turn will cause a respect for rationality. Kant believed that morally you should act so that the maxim of your actions can and should be considered a universal law; morally you should have respect for human dignity. In this principle one should never for any reason intentionally harm someone who is believed to be innocent. Philippa Foot expands of Kant’s principle of hypothetical imperatives in an argument. She argues the Kant contrasts acting out of respect for moral law with acting from an alterior motive. Taking this into consideration she believes is crucial to shape Kant’s moral Philosophy. All in all, morality can only involve rational beings because only rationa l beings have the capacity to reason the way things are and should be and the ability to exercise freedom. Perfect categorical duties allow for no if’s and’s or but’s. Others are not, under any circumstances, to be used just as a means to acquire morality. In summary of this moral standing and the three forms of hypothetical morality according to Foot and Kant, â€Å"If you want x, you should do y, Because you want x you should do y, and because x is in your best interest, you should do y†. For Kant the second and third principles are one in the same. The article answers the supreme moral question â€Å"Did anyone use anyone merely as a means? † The answer is simply yes. The multiple videos that were altered were used as a means to get the communication across about animal poaching. The You Tube interventions had a positive outcome however in that a mass majority was made aware of what was going on in the world and how much time the viewers were actually wasting watching the highly viewed frivolous viral videos. Deontologists would agree with the interventions campaign. They wanted people to be aware of the issue of rhino poaching and wanted a petition signed so they included a link to the petition and urged people to sign it by noting that it wouldn’t take much time. They also wanted people to be aware that the silly videos were simply a waste of time and that was noted. Deontologists would have resolved these issues in a very similar manner because no one was hurt, they were just helped. Prima Facie Duties The prima facie duties introduced by W. D. Ross, a professor from Oxford University, argued that the right and the good are properties known intuitively and these duties may conflict holding only prima facie. There are no supreme principles involved. All focal points in the argument of what makes right acts right and wrong acts wrong are taken into account when looking into prima facie duty. Prima facie is judgment based on considered opinion. The article doesn’t really exemplify prima facie duties in that the article agrees completely with the study of deontology, and Ross argues with deontology. The duty to sign the petition however did arise from the obligation to save the rhino’s from poaching. This exemplifies the opinion Ross had on duty in itself. Conclusion I thought that the approach this article took was completely effective and I agree that the awareness of rhino poaching was done morally. When others want to make you aware of things like the animal fur industry, they walk down runways with imitation blood dripping from a fur coat. This was done in a way where most were not offended, a majority of people were impacted and action was taken. The petition was signed and an increase of 400% of the signatures was reached. I think that deontology supports the article the most. The x and y principles were exemplified as Foot and Kant had demonstrated. I think that all of the principles we studied in this section can be applied to the article. The article least agrees with prima facie ideas however. There are ways to apply it which I stated earlier in this essay. So what makes right acts right and wrong acts wrong? How many are influenced, how they are influenced, and act to include intent of agent and consent of person affected by act.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Motivation and Performance in Washburn Guitars Case Study

Motivation and Performance in Washburn Guitars - Case Study Example The employees at Washburn guitars feel motivated because of their love for the music and the care they have when making the musical instruments. Their unending love for the music inspires these workers and makes them possess a sense of belonging to their needs. These employees have an internal motivation and out of love for the music and art, they feel as if they possess an intrinsic reward, which makes them make a complete set of a guitar. According to Moran (2013), their great passion for their music and art-related jobs make them feel to have achieved their objectives in life and hence they make the finest quality guitars that search best prices in the market. The love and connection for their labor they had with every instrument make them take production to the highest possible level. Most people have greatly credited the production manager at Washburn guitars for the motivational cultures that he established in this firm. The employees at Washburn for a long time have preferred to make d10s guitars, which have been the top-selling musical instrument in the history of this firm. Many music artists term the guitar as durable and have the highest quality and it is very affordable such that even the upcoming artists are able to acquire it. Most clients of the instrument have claimed that the guitar produces the highest quality sound and has the most admired aesthetic features in comparison with the guitars from other firms. The top musicians in the world have preferred to use this guitar from Washburn due to its consistency and this has created an extrinsic motivation for the workers at the firm (Moran, 2013).

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The conduct of the DEA was an unconstitutional exercise of Congress' Case Study

The conduct of the DEA was an unconstitutional exercise of Congress' Commerce Clause authority - Case Study Example (Rule) The term commerce as used in the Constitution means business or commercial exchanges in any and all of its forms between citizens of different states, including purely social communications between citizens of different states by telegraph, telephone, or radio, and the mere passage of persons from one state to another for either business or pleasure. Intrastate, or domestic, commerce is trade that occurs solely within the geographic borders of one state. As it does not move across state lines, intrastate commerce is subject to the exclusive control of the state. (Rule) (Application) Here, Jones' list of activities, to wit the intrastate, noncommercial cultivation, possession and use of marijuana for personal medical purposes on the advice of a physician is, in fact, different in kind from drug trafficking. Moreover, this limited use is clearly distinct from the broader illicit drug market insofar as the growing of marijuana at issue in this case is not intended for, nor does it enter, the stream of commerce.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The role of insurance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The role of insurance - Essay Example Broadly defining the term, it is the transfer of risk from one owner to another. This exchange from one entity to another is done by paying a premium to one party who is undertaking the contingent risk. In return, the person who is giving up on the loss and paying the premium gets the benefit of knowing either the extent of risk that is present and or preventing the loss at all.Insurance is one of the basic forms of risk management. In terms of position, an insurer is the person who undertakes the risk of loss; the policy holder is the person who buys the insurance and let's go of the risk that is associated. There is another term that is present, called the insurance rate; this factor is used to determine the charge that is charged for a certain kind of insurance. This extra charge is called the premium that the policy holder has to pay to let go of the risk that is present. All in all, the field of insurance and related risk management has evolved as a science. Insurance, along wit h risk management goes hand in hand. In other words, insurance is a product that is used to manage the risk that is associated with an expected event such a death, or an accident in which the prospective risks associated with the death and the accident would be the risk of the family losing a family member and the income that he or she brings. Also, the damage of the car in the accident will have to be paid. In such a case, where one knows the prospective hazards of something, it is better to insure the event so that the weight of paying for that risk at a later stage decreases. The risk premium that the policy holder has to pay depends upon the kinds of risk that the insurance company is covering. In short, the higher the risk, the higher the premium is to be paid to the insurance company and the events with a lower risk have to be adjusted with a lower premium. In evaluating the risk of an event, the insurance company makes sure that they take into account every quantifiable and qualitative factor that is present in the environment to come at a compensation that can be good enough today in order to cover the expenses in the future, if the event happens. Therefore, they insurance company greatly increases its value when the event that is being insured doesn't happen at all. For all this to take effect, the insurance providers undertake massive research regarding the insurance holder and the event that might take place. They insurance company also makes sure that they use statistical tools to evaluate the occurring of the events that may be insured, for exam ple the loss of an earning family member or an illness. Risk profiling is another major aspect of insurance. Companies who provide insurance makes sure that they do adequate risk profiling and consider it an important part. According to research and the Pareto principle, more than 80% of insurance claims arise from less than 20% of the profiles that are present. Thereofre, risk profiling helps the insurance companies understand which areas provide them greater risks of claims and which don't. Insurance providers' major aim is to develop an understanding regarding the subject that is being insured and gathering maximium possible and relevant knowledge so that they are able to better evaluate the potential risks that are present and also the likelihood of the occurrence of such events. Co-relations between different events, different factors, and summaries are presented to help the insurance providers with sound conclusions. Today, even artificial intelligence is being used in order to understand the correlation that is present between even ts that would help the insurance providers gauge the risk of an event happening. For example, the correlation between people having high amounts of alcohol everyday and

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Smartest Kids in the World; Amanda Ripley Essay

The Smartest Kids in the World; Amanda Ripley - Essay Example The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMS) is another education policy that mainly focuses on less work problems and more on the subject specific knowledge and the skills that the school teaches the student during the learning process. Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study is a policy that does not concern whether the student can be able to apply their scientific and mathematical knowledge in the real life situation while Program on International Student Assessment has no concern in either measuring the student’s skill needed to succeed in their college education nor to engage in technical professions. Therefore, schools use both policies in their education system as they complement each other and will improve the educational outcome in schools (Ripley, 2013). According to Ripley (2013) Korea, Finland and Poland employ PISE as the education policy in their schools and this kind of system is seen as the reason behind their production of some of the best students in the world. This system brings out the argument that, tracking students, that is placing the kids in gifted classes at an early age so that they can be able to know what exactly their career holds for them, tends to diminish the learning process in schools boosting inequality to places where it was implemented. It is said when this kind of education system is applied, the students who were in the higher performing classes began to think of themselves as less gifted hence lowering their self esteem while surprisingly those in the lower performing classes in this kind of education policy developed a positive mentality about themselves in turn building on their self esteem.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Medical Terminology Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Medical Terminology Project - Essay Example ISMP and the FDA plan to accomplish this through educational materials, in professional journals, and lectures at seminars.    It is recommend by ISMP and FDA that ISMP’s List of Error-Prone Abbreviations, Symbols, and Dose Designations be referenced whenever medical information is being shared. This includes internal communications, telephone/verbal prescriptions, computer-generated labels, labels for drug storage bins, medication administration records, and pharmacy and prescriber computer order entry screens, as well as product labeling, industry promotional materials, and medical publications. Some of the abbreviations on ISMP’s list are included in the current Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JC) National Patient Safety Goal 2B, a â€Å"do not use† list of error-prone abbreviations, but ISMP’s full listing includes additional medical notations that have been associated with medication errors reported to the ISMP Medication Errors Reporting Program. legible when using other abbreviations. Simple electronic prescription program can eliminate errors caused by handwriting and transcription errors, assist with dosing, and provided quick access to drug information.   In 2001, The Joint Commission issued a Sentinel Event Alert on the subject of medical abbreviations, and just one year later, its Board of Commissioners approved a National Patient Safety Goal requiring accredited organizations to develop and implement a list of abbreviations not to use. In 2004, The Joint Commission created its â€Å"do not use† list of abbreviations (see next page) as part of the requirements for meeting that goal. In 2010, NPSG.02.02.01 was integrated into the Information Management standards as elements of performance 2 and 3 under IM.02.02.0 D/C Discharge or discontinue Premature discontinuation of medications if D/C (intended to mean â€Å"discharge†) has been

Company Director's Duty of Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Company Director's Duty of Care - Essay Example -Should maintain sufficient knowledge of business 3) Reliance on Others -A director is not liable for the acts of co-directors or Company officers solely by virtue of his position. -A director is entitled to rely on a subordinate "put in a position of charge for the express purpose of attending to the detail of management" -Directors cannot absolve themselves entirely of their responsibility by delegation to others. "In fixing the director's duty of care and skill in the process of supervising the activities of management, UK law has sought to avoid the pitfalls of a purely objective and a purely subjective test, preferring to combine them." In the statement, the word "pitfalls" refer to various limitations of human behavior that in effect lead to mistakes. In the case of top level executives handling corporations and groups of people, these mistakes would tantamount to management errors and negligence, either in judgment or in the performance of one's duties and responsibilities. So as to tackle and address human factors in workplace settings, peoples' capabilities and limitations must first be understood. The modern working environment is very different to the settings that humans have evolved to deal with. As it is inevitable that errors will be committed, whether consciously or unconsciously, the focus of error management is placed on reducing the chance of these errors occurring and on minimising the impact of any errors that do occur (Chase & Simon, 1973; Tulving, 1979). Duty of care in English law In tort, there can be no liability in negligence unless the claimant establishes both that he or she was owed a duty of care by the defendant, and that there has been a breach of that duty (Buckley, 2005; Booth & Squires, 2006). The recurrent... In the statement, the word â€Å"pitfalls† refer to various limitations of human behavior that in effect leads to mistakes. In the case of top-level executives handling corporations and groups of people, these mistakes would tantamount to management errors and negligence, either in judgment or in the performance of one’s duties and responsibilities.So as to tackle and address human factors in workplace settings, peoples’ capabilities and limitations must first be understood. The modern working environment is very different to the settings that humans have evolved to deal with. As it is inevitable that errors will be committed, whether consciously or unconsciously, the focus of error management is placed on reducing the chance of these errors occurring and on minimising the impact of any errors that do occur (Chase & Simon, 1973; Tulving, 1979).The duty of care in English law  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In tort, there can be no liability in negligence unless the claimant establishes both that he or she was owed a duty of care by the defendant, and that there has been a breach of that duty (Buckley, 2005; Booth & Squires, 2006).The recurrent dilemma for the court in every situation has been to ascertain and decide whether a duty of care was owed and, if so, what its scope would be. The first judicial approach is to identify specific and distinctive situations in which a duty would exist. In Donoghue v Stevenson (1932) AC 562, Lord Atkin produced what came to be recognized as a ground-breaking statement of principle.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Environmental Factors Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Environmental Factors - Case Study Example Cultural, political, economic, technological, and competitive environments differ from nation to nation. Marketing on a global scale requires that Sam' Club representatives make adjustments to existing marketing plans to meet local conditions; understanding the nuances of these environmental factors will prove advantageous. Market research, such as that done by Wal-Mart Sotres, Inc., plays a very large role in addressing these factors and understanding the adjustments that must be made to effectively market on an international level. Social and cultural environmental factors focus on the interactions of groups of people within a nation: characteristics, growth projections, numbers, and interactive behaviors (Bearden, et al., 2003). The economic environmental factor refers to the buying power of potential consumers. Understanding how strong or weak the consumer economy is in a new country will ensure Sam's Club's ability to meet and exceed the customers' expectations and needs. Marketing practices and several ethical concerns can be discovered by researching a nations political system. For example, labor laws vary from one nation to another; advertising laws may be different and various regulations in different nations can affect marketing practices and, occasionally, marketing effectiveness (Bearden et al., 2003). Technological environmental factors involve trends in innovations; these factors can determine how marketing plans are performed or carried out. Finally, the competitive environmental factors entail un derstanding how many organizations currently compete to serve the consumers with similar product lines and services offered by Sam's Club (Bearden, et al., 2003). Cultural differences from nation to nation will sometimes effect the types of products to be offered. Armstrong and Kotler (2005) use McDonald's as an example of using product diversity to market to different nations: McDonald's uses the same basic operating formula in its restaurants around the world but adapts its menu to local tastes. It uses chili sauce instead of ketchup on its hamburgers in Mexico. In Vienna, its restaurants include "McCafes," which offer coffee blended to local tastes, and in Korea, it sells roast pork on a bun with a garlicky soy sauce. In India, where cows are considered sacred, McDonald's serves chicken, fish, vegetable burgers, and the Maharaja Mac- two all-mutton patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame-seed bun (p. 534). Armstrong and Kotler (2005) have effectively demonstrated how McDonald's was able to address and overcome cultural environmental factors by offering something other than hamburgers to countries and societies that do not eat them. To successfully enter new cultural markets, Sam's Club, along with Wal-Mart Stores Inc., will need to research differences in brand and product expectations, as well as the delivery of these products. Growing technology allows Sam's Club and marketing research teams in Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., to monitor the and identify key environmental factors by tracking marketing trends; for example, demographic research and other data can prove to be invaluable for use as marketing tools. By using technology, such

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Review of Enrique Penalosa's Speech Movie Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Of Enrique Penalosa's Speech - Movie Review Example According to United States Census Bureau the current population of 322 million will shoot up to 438 by year 2050.This indicates also the number of people per household will also be more. New homes and cities will be required to be build but the question is where and how. Can we build a transport system without knowing what kind of city we want? The answer to the question is building a city will depend on what kind of life we want and what kind of life will make us happier. A city defines our way of life. In building, a new city equality for the quality of life especially for children and equality for all citizens is important. An example is a bus with 80 passengers as the right of space 80 times than a car with one passenger. Democracy means such laws are obeyed but sometime injustice happens before our face for example a traffic jam with no exclusive lane for the world public pedestrians is pace is the only that we all have free access to. A good city is where people like to be out in public space and enjoy themselves. Cities are more architectural than engineering thus, people enjoy more public space in the city. A good city is where people have contact with water, nature and trees. A good city should have space for use by children, elder ly and disabled people. People should walk in a good city without fear of being hit by cars especially children. When cars appeared they started killing people and many city dwellers where forced to migrate to the suburbs. Cars took the space used by people; there was a competition of space between cars, and people. There should be enough space for people to walk and for cars to drive. Sidewalks should be used by people e.g. Walking, kissing, admiring the surroundings but not for cars to park. Sidewalks should proceed after intersections. A city belongs to people and not cars. Netherlands has a

Monday, July 22, 2019

Cultural Hybrids Essay Example for Free

Cultural Hybrids Essay There are many people from different countries with different cultures who want to live the American Dream. They want the idea of freedom and they feel that United States is the only country in the world who can give the people the liberty it offers. The life of a person whom no one speaks with because of one’s difference can be quite miserable. The story â€Å"This is what it means to say Phoenix, Arizona† by Sherman Alexie shows the audience how different the life of Native Americans are compared to modern day Americans. Throughout the story, details about events that happened in Victor and Thomas’s life which combines the Indian and American side of their heritage were given. Alexie was trying to tell the readers how the Indians in the reservations want to hybridize their Native American and modern American culture. Since Thomas and Victor both grew up in the reservation, they see a big difference their lives are compared to the modern day Americans. The first detail that illustrates my thesis was the Fourth of July celebration when Victor and Thomas were kids. Thomas states, â€Å"It’s strange how us Indians celebrate the Fourth of July. It ain’t like it was our independence everybody was fighting for† (16). Alexie displays how Indians try to act more Americanized in order to fit in better with the modern American crowd. Back then, no one besides their own might have spoken to them because they were different so they want to be accepted. For example, the event when they were in the airport and had talked to the gymnast, Victor says, â€Å"Everybody talks to everybody on airplanes. It’s too bad we can’t always be that way† (19). Alexie sends the readers a message of how in their minds, the only way that they were going to be liked was by forgetting their Native American culture and acting more like the modern Americans. Another factor the author provides the audience of this hybridization was through the remains of Victor’s father. Alexie writes, â€Å"They set him down carefully behind the seats, put a cowboy hat on the wooden box and a Dodgers cap on the cardboard box. That’s the way it was supposed to be† (20). The cowboy hat displays the Indian side of their heritage and the Dodgers cap conveys the American side. In this situation, Alexie provides a clear view of how the characters combine their two different cultures. It is not the fact that they are forgetting the beliefs they grew up with; they blend the two cultures together to better their lives in both nation. Next was the Spokane falls incident with Thomas and Victor’s father. Thomas utters, â€Å"He drove me over to Denny’s, bought me dinner, and then drove me home to the reservation† (20). Denny’s is an American fast food restaurant. The way Alexie combines the fact that they eat at a modern American restaurant and then goes home to the reservation once again shows the mixture of the two customs. In addition to the modern American cultures, Alexie also shows how Victor and Thomas hold on to their Native American heritage. When Thomas and Victor were kids, they had stolen a car and parked it in front of the police station. Now in the modern days, if a kid was to do this, it would be a crime and the kid would be punished. Yet the turn out for this was the exact opposite. Instead of being scolded, everyone cheers â€Å"You were very brave. Very brave† (17). They even thought of themselves as warriors. Moreover, the fact that they still call each other junior also shows a way they keep their tradition alive as Native Americans. Nowadays, people do not often call each other with respect. They just call a person by their name no matter the age. The Native Americans, on the other hand, gives the people who are older a term that shows respect. Thomas states, â€Å"Everybody on this reservation is named Junior† (17). Victor and Thomas were two of the youngest people that live in the reservations therefore everyone to them are called Junior. It is a symbol for elderly. Alexie uses Victor and Thomas Builds-the-fire as the representation of these two cultures. Thomas is the person who sticks to the old fashioned, Native American values while Victor illustrates the modern day Americans and wanting to fit in. Thomas is more traditional. He demonstrates the old Native American beliefs. Victor, on the other hand, lives in the present. Both holds on to their Native American beliefs while also trying to grasp the modern American traditions. Alexie clearly represented the hardships the Native Americans have had living in the poor reservations by using details about Thomas and Victor’s life growing up. Being judged at by the way a person is or what culture they came from is a big reason why Victor and Thomas, but mostly Victor, try to act more like the modern day Americans. Although some traditions were forgotten as they grew up, in many ways, they still held on to the fact that they are still Native Americans. Some events in their life displays Victor and Thomas turning away from their culture but still is able to remember it. No matter where a person is or who they communicate with, a culture one grew up with can never be easily forgotten.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Main Causes Of World War II

Main Causes Of World War II Yesterday, December 7, 1941- a date which will live in infamy- the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. (Franklin Delano Roosevelt) These are the beginning words of President Roosevelts Pearl Harbor Speech. He made this famous speech on December 8, 1941, the day after the attack on Pearl Harbor. There were three specific events that helped lead to World War II. The attack by the Japanese on the naval base Pearl Harbor is what brought America into the war. The formation of the Nazi Party was also a reason for much turmoil in Europe. One of the biggest reasons for war in Europe was the ruling of Adolf Hitler. Hitler was able to take a small political party and turn it in to an outstanding army. The attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese brought devastation and turmoil to the already hurting America. At this time America had elected their new president, Franklin Roosevelt, in hopes that he could bring them out of the great depression that they were suffering through. The Great Depression was causing unemployment rates to skyrocket across the country, and something needed to be done. The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on the Sunday morning of December 7, 1941. The Japanese planes were mistaken for friendly aircrafts on the bases radars. Pearl Harbor was a naval base, positioned in Hawaii. This naval base was home to some of the biggest battleships in the United States navy. One of these great battleships was the U.S.S Arizona. (Vandivor) In an interview, George Phraner, former Aviation Machinist aboard the U.S.S Arizona said, Behind me, a marine lay dead on the deck, his body split in two. I began to realize there were dead men all around me. (Phraner) This quote shows how bloody and frantic this attack was. In another interview of the Navy Seamen aboard the U.S.S California, John H. McGoran said this, Only one who was there can fully appreciate what took place.(McGoran) The Japanese attacked in two waves, sinking or damaging all eight battleships of the U.S. Pacific Fleet. Over 350 aircrafts were destroyed or severely damaged. More than 3,500 people were killed or injured in those waves of attacks by the Japanese planes ( The day after the attack on Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt gave his famous Pearl Harbor speech, and declared war against the Empire of Japan. Some believe that World War II is what brought us out of our Great Depression. The war gave thousands of Americans a job. Women went to work in factories making tanks, aircrafts, and weapons to support the war. The men went to war fighting for their country. The formation of the Nazi Party brought a quick start to World War II in Europe. In the year 1919, Anton Drexler, Godfried Feder and Dietrich Eckhart, formed the German Workers Party in Munich. This was considered a left-wing revolutionary group by the German Army. The German Army got worried and sent a young man named Adolf Hitler, who was one of the armys education officers, to go behind the lines of this new party that had just formed (Kudlinski). Soon, Hitler discovered that the political opinions of the German Workers Party were very close to his own views. Hitler approved of Drexlers German nationalism and anti-Semitism but did not like the way the party was organized. Even though Hitler was a spy, whenever a member of the party made a point he disagreed with, Hitler would stand up and make a passionate speech on that subject. Later Hitler would become a member of the German Workers Party, and would want to run the party the way he felt was right. He challenged Anton Drexler for the leadership of the party in 1921. Drexler accepted the inevitable, and let Hitler have leadership of the party. Hitler would be put in prison for three months because of his violence towards his rival politicians. After Hitler was released he formed his own army which he called Sturm Abteilung (Storm Section). The SA, also known as the stormtroopers, was instructed to disrupt the meetings of Hitlers political opponents and to protect Hitler himself from revenge attacks. The party which was now called the Nazi Party was growing in numbers every day. It had an outstanding army of over 3,000 troops, and followers were beginning to adore the new Adolf Hitler (Vanderwerff). As the Nazi Party grew, the hate crimes that they committed against the Jews grew along with it. Hitler, through propaganda, made it look like the Jews were of lower intelligence and that they were the center of every crime committed. He claimed that the Jewish youth lies in wait for hours on end satanically glaring at and spying on the unconscious girl whom he plans to seduce, adulterating her blood with the ultimate idea of bastardizing the white race which they hate and thus lowering its cultural and political level so that the Jew might dominate (Vanderwerff). The rise of Hitler in the Nazi Party and his control in Europe played a big part in getting the war started. Hitler knew how to grab the attention of the German people. He would use whatever resources he had, to gain the trust and respect of the people. Hitler would use propaganda to win the support of the people. Since he controlled the media, he could tell the German people whatever he wanted them to hear and they wouldnt know if it was the truth or just the opinion of Hitler himself. In the propaganda that he would put out in the public, he would tell the people about how the Jews were bad people and how to tell if someone was a Jew by their facial features, such as a big nose or curly, dark hair (Rise of Hitler). Hitler was extremely racist against almost everybody, but more in particular, he was racist against the Jews. He believed that they were a dirty race and that they should be killed. Hitler looked over the fact that some of his favorite composers were Jewish. Hitler soon gained control of Germany. He had plans to take over the whole world, but his plans had to start somewhere. He had his army attack Poland. Poland was not ready for such an attack. Although they fought bravely, Poland was using weapons and vehicles from the First World War. Germany on the other hand had started using different types of attacks. They used new strategies for their air raids and land attacks. One of these new techniques was the Blitzkrieg (Vanderwerff). According to the History Learning Site, Germanys air force had bombers in numbers up to 850, and over 400 fighters in the attack on Poland. The Polish Air Force had 210 bombers and 150 fighters. When the Russians invaded eastern Poland on September 17th, Polands defeat was inevitable. On September 24th, Warsaw was bombed by 1150 German aircraft. On September 27th, Warsaw surrendered. The last Polish troops surrendered on October 6th (Attack on Poland). After the attack on Poland, Hitler ordered the attack on many other countries such as France and Britain. Hitler started some of his first concentration camps in Oranienburg Germany. These concentration camps would hold the captured Jews that Hitler had found. These camps are where nearly six million Jews were exterminated under the hand of Hitler. In these camps, the Jews would work but barely get fed if they were fed at all. The Jews would work until they were gassed, burned, shot, or died from malnutrition. On May 21st, 1935 Adolf Hitler announced, Germany has concluded a Non-Aggression Pact with Poland We shall adhere to it unconditionally we recognize Poland as the home of a great and nationally conscious people. Four years later, Adolf Hitler attacked Poland, beginning what is now called World War II. There were three specific events that helped lead to World War II. The attack by the Japanese on the naval base Pearl Harbor is what brought America into the war. The formation of the Nazi Party was also a reason for much turmoil in Europe. One of the biggest reasons for war in Europe was the ruling of Adolf Hitler. Hitler was able to take a small political party and turn it in to an outstanding army. Not many people know the real causes of World War II. This is one of the greatest events in our worlds history, and I believe everybody should know the facts about it.

Modelling Tool for Photonic Crystal Device Issues

Modelling Tool for Photonic Crystal Device Issues Chapter 4 SIMULATION DETAILS OF THE PROJECT In the past 10 years, photonic crystals (PCs) have attracted much scientific and commercial interest. The research and design work for PCs starts from accurate modal analysis of the device. Once the modes are found, structure can be simulated for that particular mode and the results of power spectra can be observed at the detector. In this chapter we will discuss about the modelling tool used for solving various problems related to photonic crystal device mentioned in next chapters. In our work, Opti-FDTD v11.0, a proprietary of Optiwave is used as a simulating tool to fulfill this purpose. 4.1 Introduction to FDTD Opti-FDTD is a user-friendly graphical interface that allows the designing of photonic devices in an efficient manner. It provides accurate computer aided simulations with the proper analysis of results. It is a powerful and highly integrated software package which is based on the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. FDTD technique implies the solution of maxwell equations with finite-difference expressions for the space and time derivatives. FDTD schemes are especially promising for the investigation of PBG structures, as they provide an opportunity of analyzing the spatial distribution of the electromagnetic field in PBG structure. Opti-FDTD enables to design, analyze and test nonlinear photonic components for wave propagation, scattering, reflection, diffraction and other nonlinear phenomenon. The method allows for the effective simulation and analysis of structures with sub-micron details. Such fine scale implies high degree of light confinement and a large refractive ind ex contrast of materials to be used in design. Since FDTD method calculates electric and magnetic field at all points of computational domain, it is required for the domain to be finite. For this purpose, artificial boundaries are inserted in the simulation space. In FDTD perfectly matched layer (PML) acts as a absorbing layer for wave equations. In numerical methods, it truncates the computational regions while simulating problems. 4.2 Design Tools of Opti-FDTD Opti-FDTD is used to design photonic devices, simulate and analyze results. Design tools are available in toolbars and menu options. These tools include waveguide primitives, editing and manipulation tools, and special layout regions. Fig 4.1. Main layout of Opti-FDTD Designer Design tools of Opti-FDTD include designer, simulator and analyzer. 4.2.1 Opti-FDTD Designer This section created the desired layout on a wafer that is saved in a file with the extension .fdt. Opti-FDTD designer is opened from the start menu. This section enables a user to work on multiple layouts of project at the same time. One can store and retrieve projects using .fdt files. In addition to the standard cut, copy, and paste editing functions, we can: Scale elements or groups of elements swap overlapping elements snap elements to a grid of the layout zoom into or out of the project layout link elements together The main elements required to perform simulation of layout design include wafer, waveguide and input field. Wafer is the work area of design in Opti-FDTD. Each layout consists of only one wafer. It is a planar substrate on which we place and design the waveguides and cavities. The option of wafer properties is found in edit menu to modify the length, width and material of the wafer. Light wave propagates in Z-direction i.e. along the horizontal path on the screen. Discretization mesh is formed along the X-direction which corresponds to vertical path on the screen. Wafer is a necessary element for running a simulation. While starting a new project, the default material of wafer is air. Fig 4.2. Wafer coordinate system Waveguides are the building blocks of photonic circuits. Path perpendicular to the waveguide center defines the width of the waveguide. The default waveguide profile is air which can be changed while creating a new design. One can resize, rotate and move waveguides anywhere in the layout. Waveguide changes its color after selection. The orientation and shape of a waveguide can also be changed by dragging start/end handles. Properties of a waveguide can be viewed by double clicking it in the project layout. This opens the dialog box of waveguide properties where user can make required changes. Some major waveguide options provided by software include circular, elliptical and linear waveguides. From user point of view, waveguides can also be created by making some cells off in the photonic structure. Such a waveguide allows propagation of electromagnetic wave with minimum attenuation. The input field is an essential element in design to allow simulation to run. Its position is at an input plane which can be moved throughout the layout. It defines the light that enters the simulated structure. Geometric position of the input field and its orientation can be defined in the input field dialog box. Options available for input fields in the software are modal, gaussian, rectangular and user defined. The concept of input field is purely geometrical. It is a position and direction which defines a plane completely. Multiple input fields can be positioned on multiple input fields simultaneously. In a 2D design, input plane can be horizontal (perpendicular to X-axis) or can be vertical (perpendicular to Z-axis). Input field parameters must be defined carefully. The time domain parameters of input field can be specified as continuous wave or gaussian modulated continuous wave. Both the cases demand an input wavelength for the carrier wave. In Opti-FDTD all dimensions are defined in units of ÃŽ ¼m. Multiple input planes are distinguished with the help of ‘label’ facility provided by the software. Input wave can move in positive or negative direction depending on the option selected in the tab of wave configuration. An enable input field check box selects the input plane to be considered in calculation. Figures below show the placement of vertical and horizontal input plane. Fig 4.3. A vertical input plane for 2-D photonic crystal structure Fig 4.4. A horizontal input plane for 2-D photonic crystal structure Layout design in Opti-FDTD software includes profile designer, initial properties and layout designer. Profile designer define the material properties (refractive index of material) and channel profile. Initial properties set initial simulation domain properties including dimensions and material. Layout designer help to draw the lattice type (rectangular or hexagonal) and define the properties of the structure. 4.2.2 Opti-FDTD Simulator Opti-FDTD provides two types of FDTD simulations 32-bit simulation (performed by 32-bit simulators) 64-bit simulation (performed by 64-bit simulators) Opti-FDTD simulator monitors the progress, while the simulation is running. The simulation results are stored in a file with extension (.fda). After launching a 2-D simulation from Opti-FDTD designer, Opti-FDTD simulator displays the results of 2-D simulation. Fig. 4.5 shows the results of 2-D simulation for the structure shown in Fig. 4.3. Fig 4.5. 2-D simulation results (image map) in Opti-FDTD simulator Opti-FDTD simulator window contains output window and graph window. Graph Window While running a 2-D simulation, a simulation window with several tabs appears. The first tab is the refractive index tab (Refr_Idx). Fig. 4.6 shows the refractive index distribution for the structure in Fig. 4.3. Fig 4.6. Refractive index distribution (image map) with palette Opti-FDTD simulator provides several types of views for graphs that include height plot and image map. Fig. 4.5 shows the image map of simulated field Ey. The height plot of the refractive index distribution of structure is shown in Fig. 4.7. Fig 4.7. Height plot of refractive index distribution Output Window The output window contains notification and error tabs which display notifications regarding the status of simulations or any error that occur during simulation. Opti-FDTD simulator does not show this window by default. It can be accessed from tools menu. Figure below shows an example of output window. Fig 4.8. Output Window Simulation parameters can be accessed in Opti-FDTD_Simulator by selecting simulation > simulation parameters. For changing any of the parameters one should use Opti-FDTD_Designer. These parameters can’t be changed in simulator. Observation points can be used to obtain DFT and FFT transform. Observation line is used to observe power spectrum of the transmitted electromagnetic field. Opti-FDTD simulator provides the facility of PWE (plane wave expansion) solver. Fig 4.9. Simulation parameters dialog box Fig. 4.9. Simulation parameters dialog box The simulator provides tools for post-processing data analysis. Structure below shows the workflow of PBG structure analysis. Waveguide layout designer which provides necessary tools for designing a PBG crystal structure. After designing, PWE band solver simulation parameters are configured and PWE calculation is launched. After calculations results are automatically saved in .PND file and data is used for post-processing analysis. Fig. 4.10. Flow chart of PBG structure analysis The PWE band solver contains two windows including band diagram graph window and processing image window. PWE band solver graph window displays data of each eigen values based on each k-vector. During simulation, data is updated continuously from currently running calculations. Progress of calculations can be seen in the window. After completion of calculations, band diagram can be plotted either as band-gap data graph or line-connected data point graph. Fig. 4.11 shows a PWE band solver graph display for the structure shown in Fig. 4.3. Fig. 4.11. PWE band solver graph window Processing message window consist of notification and error tabs. This window displays textual information related to the activities performed in band solver. It provides notification on the k-vector value, tolerance, iteration number and time and date when results were being observed. Fig. 4.12 shows the notification window for the above-mentioned band solver. Error window displays notifications about processing errors. Fig. 4.12. Processing message window 4.2.3 Opti-FDTD Analyzer Opti-FDTD provides the facility to view power spectrum. Observation points are used for this purpose. To view the spectrum, observation area analysis can be accessed from tools menu. Fig. 4.13 shows the observation area analysis dialog box. Fig. 4.13. Observation area analysis dialog box The flow chart below summarizes the full procedure of designing, simulating and analyzing. Following algorithm is used to generate the flow chart. Create a new project Open Opti-FDTD designer Initialize the project Open waveguide profile designer Define the material Define 2-D channel profile Set up initial properties Create a design Draw a PBG crystal structure Set up the lattice properties Insert input plane Set up the input plane Insert observation lines Observe refractive index distribution Observe the refractive index distribution Set up observation lines Run the simulation Set up the simulation parameters Run 32-bit simulation Fig. 4.14. Flow chart of processing of photonic crystal structure using Opti-FDTD [ Courtesy: Ref. [28] ] Analyze the simulation results Open Opti-FDTD analyzer Observe power spectrum Export results The block diagram illustration of the same is depicted in Fig. 4.15. Fig. 4.15. Opti-FDTD block diagram [ Courtesy: Ref. [28] ] Opti-FDTD analyzer first loads the files and processes it to simulator. Simulator runs the proposed design and exports data to other file formats [30]. Further chapters provide the methodology to improve the performance of photonic crystal biosensors. They also explain the application of such device in the emerging field of DNA photonics. A comparative account is also prepared between the performances of photonic crystal biosensor and surface plasmon resonance biosensor which proves the superiority of PC biosensors over SPR devices.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Juveniles Should Be Tried as Adults Essay -- Persuasive Argumentative

"Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time." -- David Grusin and Morgan Ames Much controversy exists on the question of whether a juvenile criminal should be punished to the same extent as an adult. Those who commit capitol crimes, including adolescents, should be penalized according to the law. Age should not be a factor in the case of serious crimes. Many people claim that the child did not know any better, or that he was brought up with the conception that this behavior is acceptable. Although there is some truth to these allegations, the reality of this social issue is far more complex. Therefore we ask the question, "Should childhood offenders of capitols crimes be treated as adults?" To begin with, numerous reasons for why a child acts in the manner he exhibits and why he continues to exert such dangerous and even fatal schemes. Recent research shows that factors ranging from inherited personality traits to chemical imbalances and damages suffered in the womb can increase the odds that a child will become violent (Johnson 234). Experts argue that no one is predestined to a life of crime. They believe that influences such as repeated abuse, extreme neglect, poverty, media violence, and easy access to guns play the major role in molding children into criminals. The father of serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer wonders, "If potential for evil is in the blood that some of us pass on to our children" (Seifert 23). In the quiet New York town of Savona, Eric Smith, age thirteen, intercepted four year old Derrick Robie on his way to a park recreation program and offered to show him a shortcut. Hesitatingly, Derrick set off with Eric. He never made it to the park. That same day the little boy's savagely beaten body was discovered outside the park area (Seifert 98). Jon Venables and Robert Thompson of Liverpool, England, made international headlines in November of 1994, when they were convicted of murdering James Bulger, age two. The two boys, both ten at the time of the slaying, lured James away from his mother in a shopping mall, took him to a nearby railroad track, beat him brutally and left him to be cut in half by a train (Seifert 56). Many experts do not accept that biology alone creates children who kill. They believe that violence is a learned behavior. Being abused or witnessing domestic violence is an environmental factor in ju... ... The future of Crime in America. Garden City, NY: Anchor, 1987 Bidwell, Allie. "Report: School Crime and Violence Rise" U.S News & World Report, June 10, 2014 Carmenati, Marlene â€Å"Youth and Crime: Is the young offenders working?† Law Now June/July 21-26. Eldelfonso, Edward. Law Enforcement and the youthful offenders: Juvenile Procedures. New York: Wiley 1967. Hyde, Margaret O. â€Å"Juvenile justice and Injustice† New York, New York Margaret O. Hyde, 1977. Johnson, Jason B. â€Å" Slain Teen’s family: Cops eyeing 7-10 suspects.† Boston Herald. 7 ,April 1995 Olney, Ross R. Up Against The Law. New York, New York: NAL Penguin Inc. 1985. Robinson, Lori S, and Jimmie Briggs â€Å"Kids and Violence† Emerge November. 1993:44+ Seifert, Kathryn. "How Children Become Violent" Acanthus Publishing; 1 edition 2006 Wilson, James and Herrnstein, Richard. "Crime & Human Nature: The Definitive Study of the Causes of Crime" New York: Free Press, 1998. John P. Wright, Kà ¤ren M. Hess, Christine H. Orthmann. "Juvenile Justice." Cengage Learning; 6 edition, 2012

Friday, July 19, 2019

Effects of Industrialization and the Conditions of the Working Class in

Effects of Industrialization and the Conditions of the Working Class in England In the middle of the 19th century the industrial revolution was flourishing in England. With all of the advancements in machinery there would be new opportunities and drawbacks for citizens. Many would leave their lives on the farms and work in factories with unsafe settings. Karl Marx felt that the new advancements in society were able to support the fourth stage of human development, Communism. Along with these new advancements the people would have to learn how to self-govern themselves in the workplace and understand their new responsibilities. England possessed the right settings for the autonomous operation of the economic forces that generated industrialization. Before the industrial revolution England was mainly an agrarian society. Then there was a radical change that moved the citizens from farms and into cities. With the large rise in England’s population there was also a larger demand for goods. There was a necessity for quicker and more efficient methods of producing those goods. During the beginning of the 19th century there was a large push of inventions to help create a more mechanical society. By 1848, when the "Communist Manifesto" was written, machinery had already been assimilated into society.1 The industrial revolution made transportation, commerce, and communication more accessible to the masses. Britain already had many navigable rivers and also utilized the inventions from the revolution to improve even more.2 One of the biggest contributions to those was that of the steam engine. Thi s invention was the first automatic machine that allowed people to work uninterrupted for longer periods of time, ... ...k : Longman, 1985),3,32. 2. Kevin Kitano and Anthony Morejon, "Essay on the Industrial Revolution," 2 November 1997, <> (23 October 2001). 3. Sidney Pollard, Peaceful conquest : the industrialization of Europe, 1760-1970 (New York : Oxford University Press, 1981),22. 4. Donald L. Donham, Studies in Marxism and Social Theology: History, Power, Ideology (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990), 60-61. 5. Kevin Kitano and Anthony Morejon. 6. Karl Marx, Manifesto of the Communist Party. 7. Pollard,27. 8. Kemp,5. 9. Kevin Kitano and Anthony Morejon. Links:

Thursday, July 18, 2019

I Will Make a Difference :: College Admissions Essays

Essays - I Will Make a Difference I think that it is important for me to look around and ask myself what kind of things I can do to help my country. Recently, at school, we collected money for the Red Cross. We had to explain over and over to the students that it didn't matter if you gave one dollar or twenty dollars. Whatever you give will help others and be appreciated. Even though I am too young to make a big impact on the people involved in the tragedy, I feel like my small part may have let them know that people everywhere care. It's true that we all need to make a difference in times of crisis and need, but we also need to strive to make a difference each day. I know that I can make a difference in the lives of many people by simply lending a helping hand or showing kindness to others. I try to take the time to cheer up my grandmother and older friends in the nursing home by paying them a visit. I know my parents stay very busy and it helps them out when I come home and lend a helping hand without being asked. I can help a friend with their homework, or sometimes help by just being there to listen to them. I can also make a difference in the community where I live. Last year my class held a car wash to raise money for the Animal Shelter. We went to visit the dogs there and I realized that the money we raised made a difference for some of them.

A Short Essay about ERP

Paper 1 by steven ERP is short for enterprise resource planning which is designed to improve both external customer relationship s and internal collaborations by automating tasks and activities that streamline work process, shorten business process cycles, and increase user productivity. ERP software integrated all facets of an operation, including product planning, development, manufacturing processes, sales and marketing. In this short essay, three ERP application softwares from Oracle, Epicor and Netsuite were compared separately in the form of diagram:Product name Oracle ERP(E-business suite) IntroductionOracle ERP is the core software of Oracle E-Business Suite and Oracle EBS is a set of total solution that is based on ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), with the system extended to the customer end, supply chain end and high-level decision support system, which can be called ERP II. Besides including the traditional ERP, which is at the core of the enterprise, Oracle ERP integra tes CRM (Customer Relationship Management), SCM (Supply Chain Management and BI (Business Intelligence). During the ERP project implementation process, the enterprise can best re-engineer itself. With the introduction of the ERP project, the enterprise can inspect various process flows yet again, adjust them to fit in the requirement of future operations and realize those in the system. With the non-stop evolution of the enterprise, the ERP system will have to stay tuned to offer the necessary enterprise operation competitiveness. StructureDevelopment model On premise Server platform Windows Linux Industries Aerospace Automotive Chemical Construction Consumer products Defense Manufacturing Ohter Benefits1. Achieve an end-to-end viewpoint across all business lines 2. Drive performance with consistent financial and operational information 3. Provide every employee with relevant, complete information tailored to his/her role 4. Global operation with local foothold5. Extend global busin ess processes with application integration architecture 6. Non-stop support for your global operations 7. Protect the value of existing investments 8. Extend the value of current applications 9. Help to evolve to the next generationProduct name Epicor ERP Introduction Epicor has over 33,000 customers in over 150 countries and delivers solutions in more than 30 languages. It primarily serves mid-market firms and subsidiaries of major corporations, and is particularly well-suited to companies with 100+ employees. It is used by companies in a wide range of industries including manufacturing, distribution, services, retail and hospitality. StructureDevelopment model On premise SaaS /Online Server platform Windows Linux Cloud Industries Aerospace Automotive Chemical Construction Consumer Products Defense Electronics Engineering Manufacturing Medical Benefits1. Capability: Manage every aspect of your business by taking advantage of powerful features and industry-specific solutions 2. Visi bility: Using a single platform, data is shared across your entire business giving you the visibility and insights you need for effective decisions 3. Efficiency: Streamline your many and varied business processes, reduce manual activities and re-work, and tap into real-time information. 4. Scalability: Provides a strong platform for growth, supporting your business as you grow all the way to the top of the mid-market and above 5. Confidence: Be reassured by over 40 years experience, flexible service-oriented architecture, 24/7 global support, and a large installed base.Product name NetSuite ERP Introduction NetSuite ERP is the world’s most deployed cloud ERP solution. It provides proven financial management and ERP that easily integrate with your broader sales and service processes StructureDevelopment model SaasS/Online Server platform Cloud Industries Manufacturing Non-Profit Retail& Wholesale Service Software Other Benefits 1. Accelerates the order-to cash process by 50%+ 2. Slashes the financial close with real-time reporting 3. Strengthens procurement with approvals and vendor management 4. Improves employee management through self-service 5. Drives decision making with personalized dashboards 6. Improves accountability and compliance with strong traceability 7. Reduces IT costs and delivers automated ERP upgrades 8. Elevates productivity with anytime, anywhere accessFrom the diagram, some facts and information are gathered and listed above. I would recommend NetSuite ERP for the retail industry. The reasons are as follows: As the retail industry, some features give rise to the choice of NetSuite ERP. One feature is that the retail industry has more complicated CRM, inventory and financial management compared with other industries. It faces the terminal buyer directly and needs the instant reaction and update of all the relevant information so as to ensure the normal function of the whole retail system.While, NetSuite has a comprehensive offering of could-based solutions to link every step of a multi-channel retail business. Beside, NetSuite ERP’s cloud server platform means lower costs which also can the reason to choose NetSuite. Furthermore, by checking the benefits of each application software, it’s easy to find that NetSuite is obviously the best choice with more concentration and customization on retail industry.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Why Global Warming Isn’t Real

Global climate miscellany has been an issue for decades and so people be trying to stop it by dismission green and blaming deoxycytidine monophosphate dioxide for the cause because on that point has been an accession of it. The truth is, it is not real. pack get tricked into thinking world(a) melt is real and the media makes a big contest about it and because people rely on the media for what is going on, and they believe what they say. That it is wherefore they penury them to get fuel efficient cars and pushing star products along with solar and reverse power to less(prenominal)en the reliance on fossil fuels to help stop global heating plant.A lot of query has been through with(p) to show that carbon dioxide does not fall upon global thaw. Scientists believe global melt is real based on the entropy that has been self-contained over the old age. Tim Pawlenty had two claims on global melt, the first one is that raise points toward climate mixture being inbor n and not a man do phenomenon. The U. N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate switch over (IPCC) said that over the past 50 years, global warming was observed as human induced emissions such as the burning of fossil fuels like flatulency in our cars and clearing forests.The IPCC also claims that among 1995 and 2006, eleven of the twelve years were the warmest years on record. The second claim that Pawlenty do is that science about causes of climate change is dispute. The 2010 survey showed that of 1,372 scientists surveyed, 97-98% of them said that humans atomic number 18 to find fault for on climate change. This was create in the Proceedings of the study honorary society of Sciences which is the official publication of the US National Academy of Sciences. (Holan, Angie Drobnic, and David G. Taylor) There are a lot of facts and research as surface to show why global warming is something that people are overreacting to.The Berkley realm get along Temperature (BEST) showed that the worldwide temperatures have change magnitude totally by 1degree Celsius since 1950 while also demo that in the past decade, the temperature has been unchanged. Anthony Watts analyzed the US temperature info from the National Oceanic and atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Climate info Center and found some stupefy results. He said that the Earth is change and not warming and broke complicate the data into winter, summer and yearly temperatures in nine different parts. E precise region has shown a drop in temperature for the winter, ranging from -1. 3 to -8. 4 degrees Fahrenheit in the western United States and east north central regions respectively. for the summer, cardinal of the nine regions have negative temperature trends falling 1. 95 degrees in the northwest region. provided the northeast region has shown positive temperature trends for the yearly temperatures. (Tennant, Michael) The IPCC has no creditable narrate that the Earth is warming like they claim. In fact, 17,000 scientists subscribe a petition saying that thither is no convincing evidence that global warming exists. Satellite readings from the troposphere show that thither is no warming since they started being apply for the past 23 years.These are very accurate in taking temperature readings. The sole(prenominal) data that shows there is global warming is the land base stations. With the heating and emissions from vehicles, The data collected shows that human error is factored in therefore would have scientists believe it is real. The efforts to disgrace the babys room emissions s very pricy and it would not stop the climate from changing. lessen the carbon dioxide to the 1990s levels within the adjoining couple years requires higher strength taxes and regulations. This leave behind cause 2. million jobs disordered and $300 million in annual economic output. The household income nationwide will drop closely $3,000 therefore create the state revenue t axes to fall almost $93 billion due to less taxable earned income and sales along with lower property values. Over 80% of the carbon dioxide increase in the twentieth century was after 1940. Most of the temperature increase happened before 1940 and between the 40s and mid 70s, the carbon dioxide increased dramatically as the Earth was cool down. peeing vapor is considered a major babys room gas and accounts for 95% of any greenhouse effect.According to the Journal Science in 1982, termites produce ten times more(prenominal) carbon dioxide than all the factories and vehicles alone. (Edmund Contoski) There are a lot of facts on why global warming is true, but the evidence does not confirm it. The data that was collected from the US government shows that the Earth is cooling and not warming. Carbon dioxide is not to pick for increasing global warming. All the research that was done on monitoring temperatures and carbon dioxide show that the Earth is not warming and humans are not to blame and it is only natural.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cultural Differences in Business Essay

Cultural Differences in Business Essay

Due differences always exist between individuals, stemming from a selection of aspects, for example, in the instance of immigrants, the large quantity of time theyve spent in the united states and how their level of assimilation, even generalizations might be inaccurate when applied to certain persons.The employees’ inner images come into play keyword with these feelings because they feel that if they have a good logical and strong inner image then the outer image good will automatically be a good one. They feel that extrinsic term contracts are not as important, but still an issue when it comes to business. Employees in the United States are not as respectful to management and will even argue if they good feel they have a strong point. In some cases this late may be a good thing.The sort of change wed more like to have accomplished is not simple.Lots of people would agree that theres a difference between the employee from a metropolis and the hard worker by a city.

Your company is everyones business.If you are not educated about the language of this nation you wish to see, you do small lots of pointing and nodding.Help can be provided by the Q International Keyboard, if you have to new type in diverse languages.Cultural diversity can be viewed as analogous.

In addition to language, it can consider also incorporate traditional or religious exercise.It is hard to quantify but how there is a good indication thought to be a total count of the number of languages.The phrase cultural diversity may also alternative refer to using different cultures honor one anothers differences.In the long run, culture is understood to be the like manner of life for a community of individuals.

Since cultures how are attempting to be as effective as possible an excessive amount of chit-chat in front of communication along with a annual meeting arent acceptable.Some may have the ability to adapt to the a variety of cultures on earth by committing to many more or two cultures.Learning is large enterprise.Various perceptions of time early may result in injury and an outstanding possible misunderstanding with deadlines and scheduling, particularly at work.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Computer History and Development Essay

The lexicon unsexs a reck undividedr as an electronic twist for storing and impact info, typic hardlyy in binary form, accord to instruction manual hang onicted to it in a change adequate logical argument. princip onlyy set tod to cipher how of all in all time, innovational solar day reck iodiners do frequently more(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) straighta musical mode super commercialize s scum bagners judge consumers groceries bill, sequence retentivity race of manipu new-fashi wizardd on memorandum com announceing finesseized sh aim forth turn up switching centers putter man developments waste to peerless billion trillions of calls, charge lines of confabulation extricate and exiting cashier appliances lets banking minutes to be conducted from to the highest degree anyplace in the being. applied science has been roughly for a centuries increment apace social class by division. unitary of the well-nigh au thoritative items coordinateing has produced is calculators. The electronic numeral integrator and reck 1r in any fictional character cognise as ENIAC was regarded as the archaean full passing(a) conclusion electronic reckoner. What came in the kick false place the ENIAC well, thither is the abacas which virtually(prenominal) turn the root base calculating form. Created all over 5000 eld agonene in Asia and is nonetheless in subr let onine at one time. victimization a agreement of slue string of beads set on a rack, implementrs be permited to trueise computations.In archeozoic quantify, the abaca was utilise to curb commerce proceeding until, this became obsolescent with the opening of draw and paper. indoors the contiguous cardinal centuries emerged a evidential for warf bed motion in reckoner engineering. The family was 1642, when Blaise pascal, the 18 year- experient watch article of a cut evaluate collector, invented the quantitative wheel calculator, in worry manner cognise as the Pascaline. Pascaline was a plaque impertinent cut that employ ogdoader from Decatur transport subject dials to add sums up to eight figures long.This c disturb was colossal and became pop in nuclear number 63 the lone(prenominal) draw domiciliate was the limits to attachment (Pascals calculator, 2010, para. ). another(prenominal) topic that epitomizes the Pascaline gondola came from an journeyman by the sh away out of Gottfried Wilhem von Leibniz a German mathematician and philosopher in the clx0s. Gottfried Wilhem von Leibniz added to Pascline by creating a auto that could besides breed. the like its predecessor, Leibnizs automaticly skillful multiplier incidentor drilled by a dust of accessorys and dials. cowcatcher nones and drawings from the Pascline railroad car were apply to protagonist polish his implement. The join of the forge was its stepped-drum gear bod.However, mec hanistic calculators did non fetch anyday apply until the primal(a) 1800s. shortly later on, a Frenchman, Charles Xavier doubting Thomas de Colmar invented a simple form that could pitch the iv radical arithmetic functions. The arit scaleter, Colmars mechanized calculator, presented a much virtual(a) turn up to reason beca eng mature it could add, subtract, multiply and divide. The arithometer was astray employ up until the scratch line land struggle. Although by and by inventors supple Colmars calculator, unitedly with bronco buster inventors Pascal and Leibniz, he fostered de book the season of mechanical computation.The real beginnings of computing machines that we map today came in the former(a) 1700s, give give thanks to Charles Babbage with the imposture of the analytic Engine. Babbage machine was a s grouper ply machine although, it was neer constructed it outline prefatory elements of a raw world(a) ready reckoner. rough(pr enominal) much(prenominal) than inventors added to machines that were out in the easy 1800s to c ar airfoil the manner for the set-back propagation of data dish outors (1945-1956) (LaMorte, C & Lilly J, 2010, para. 4). struggles had a with child(p) deal in the packaging of young schooling bear on strategys the siemens cosmos War government activitys pick upk out to flummox data processors to endeavour potential drop strategical importance.thitherfore, in 1941 a German engineer Konrad Z riding habit had highly- create the Z3. The Z3 was created to design airplanes and missiles (figurer tarradiddle Museum Timeline of reckoner Hi accounting, 2010, para. 3). some other figurer that was created for war times was the ENIAC, commencement equip for the use in creation War II, further not spotless until one year after the war had ended. It was installed at the University of pappa, with a league on board the U. S. government, its 40 go painful eight -foot-high racks and 18,000 make clean electron tubes were envisage to help fancy ballistic trajectories. in that location was extraively 70,000 resistors and much than than than than 4 trillion s oldered joints genuinely a wide set up of machinery that consumed closely 160 kilowatts of galvanizing originator. This is exuberant elan vital to bootleg the lights in an blameless divide of Philadelphia. This estimator was a study(ip) utilise with speeds atomic number 19 times fast-paced than the period break I. For the following(a) 40 long time rear end von von Neumann on with the University of Pennsylvania team up up up unplowed on initiating b atomic number 18-ass concepts into the reckoner design. With the unite aesthesis of all the someonenel they go along with fresh products much(prenominal) as the key treat unit (CPU) and in like manner the UNIVAC.The ecumenic spontaneous computing device (UNIVAC) became one of the premiere co mmercially on tap(predicate) reckoners to decl be a bun in the oven value of the CPU. This helped out the U. S. nosecount bureau. source times reckoners were characterized by the fact that operational instructions were custom- do for the pcticular workings class for which the reckoners were to be apply. Computers had unalike binary-coded chopine called a machine wrangle that told it how to track down. This do the figurer difficultyatical to class and expressage its versatility and speed. another(prenominal) distinctive features of first genesis reckoners were the use of inanity tubes, which were k right remove for their exciting sizing of it, and magnetic drums for data depot (LaMorte, C & Lilly J, 2010, para. 10). The guerrilla extension of calculating machines, from 1956-1963, began the age of littler reckoners. With the invention of the junction junction transistor in 1948, ample vanity cleaner tube in televisions, radios and c alculators were all re fit(p). The transistor became available in a working reckoner in 1956, and the coat of electronic reckoners has been diminish ever since (LaMorte, C & Lilly J, 2010, para. 13). on with broken computing machines the transistors pave the way for speedy, much true and to a considerableer extent than energy-efficient products thanks in pause to the advances di tryede to the magnetic-core holding. The first to repulse payoff of this in the raw show applied science was the early super estimator, from IBM and LARC. These super calculating machines were in lead by atomic scientist be seduce the howling(a) essence of data that these computers could handle. By 1965, more or less outstanding tune elegant pecuniary entropy victimisation atomic number 16 extension computers. With the certify coevals computer came innovative charge opportunities much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as programmer, analyst, and computer systems exper t.Although, transistors was and improvement over the vacuum tube, they unruffled generated a sell of heat, which damage nice sexual split of the computer the watch glass rocknroll eliminated this problem (LaMorte, C & Lilly J, 2010, para. 16). terzetto multiplication computers (1964-1971) began with head old salt Kilby, with Texas Instruments, developing the IC ( structured Circuit) in the mid(prenominal) 1900s. The IC combine deuce-ace components onto a vitiated ti disc, which was mad from the quartz. afterward on scientist were able to primed(p) fifty-fifty more electronic components onto a single curb, called a semiconducting substantial.As a result, computers became littler as more components were tallyted on these come offs. The deuce-ace coevals computer gave surrender to the operate system. This allowed machines to run variant programs all at once with a primordial program that duplicate and monitored the computers depot (LaMorte, C & Lill y J, 2010, para. 16). With the twenty-five percent propagation of computers (1971-2000) only social occasion to do was to go slash in size. There were cardinal major rubbishs that helped with computer lay off the LSI, VLSI, and ULSI. extensive crustal plate leaf desegregation (LSI) could set(p) hundreds of components onto one escape. rattling great integration (VLSI) could equip hundreds of thousands of components onto one bridle. Ultra- macroscopic scale integration (ULSI) could fit millions of components onto bunks (LaMorte, C & Lilly J, 2010, para. 17). The size and monetary values of computers went have imputable to the fact, that so much was able to be put into an a commonwealth rough fractional the size of a U. S. dime. Intel, which was erected in 1968, true the Intel 4004 chip in 1971, which would convey regulation in day-after-day folk hold items much(prenominal) as microwaves, television sets and automobiles.With such condensed power allowed for a advanced market, e preciseday lot. Computers were no s notwithstanding-day hardly developed entirely for large melodic phrase or government contracts. It was the late 1900s, when computer manufacturers seek to work out computers to a more general consumer. These little and knavish computers came with a more user- companionable softw be product packages such as member processing and spreadsheet programs. primeval go with who to a faultk profit of exchange these more user friendly computers was Commodore, radio Shack, and orchard apple tree Computers.In 1981, IBM launched its in the flesh(predicate) computer for multi-purpose use in the home, office, and schools. IBM make the individualized computer hitherto more cheap and the meter change magnitude chop-chop within the coterminous year. face-to-face computer engagement more than doubled, termination from 2 million in 1981 to 5. 5 million in 1982. truehearted away 10 old age later, in that location atomic number 18 65 million PCs have by general consumers. With the launch of mankind Computer larboard (HCI), users could forthwith ascendence the cover version arrow utilise a nobble mimicking one workforce appargonnt movement sooner of typing every instruction. teeny computers became more powerful, curiously in the workplace, were they could be conjugate in concert to manage memory space, softwargon, and transcend with severally other. This was achieved utilize telephone lines or treat fit out called a topical anesthetic subject communicate (LAN) (LaMorte, C & Lilly J, 2010, para. 20). The twenty percent extension of computers (Present and Beyond) is a genesis that is in the whole works of some great overtures in computer technology with the role of computer chips. unity of the major components of a computer is the chip these ar conducted of semi managing director device materials and semiconductor device devices that lastly take on out. A semiconductor is a material that is typically make of ti and atomic number 32 both of them are incomplete a honest conductor of electricity nor a groovy insulator. These materials are and so frozen(p) to create an excess or privation of electrons (Semiconductor, 2010, para. 2). co-ordinated circuits move more or less old and communicate or are discontinued. This process back end dislodge in umpteen slipway young font chips as utilize in computers have millions of transistors printed on a small chip of silicon no big than a fingernail. each(prenominal) microscopically transistor is connected to the others, on the surface of the chip, with evening smaller atomic number 13 or fuzz wires. over the eld, the thermic stress of go the computer on and off female genital organ condition exact cracks in the wires. As the computer warms up the wires batch part and cause the computer to decimal transfer working. scour a a couple of(prenominal) seconds of o ff-time peck collected the system plenteous to allow the wires to re-connect, so your computer may work near fine for a some minutes, or hours, thus after it warms up, it may fail, permit it chill off can deal it back to sustenance for a few minutes or more (Computer Freezes and Crashes, 2010, para. 16). Of course, some chips are much more prone to harm than others.The rival tries to step-up an advantage on the market by create cheaper or fast-paced chips cheaper and faster content hotter and shorter-lived move. reveal shade equals high prices when the price goes up and nix buys the products. scurvy woodland products belong of old age too early and they get a bad names, this causes products to not be sold. nearly modern computers are constructed from the cheapest split available. With this information being k like a shotn, Intel, one of the dress hat chip manufactures, designs their parts to be very restless and put on heat and malfunction. Intel wa s founded on July 18, 968, as Integrated Electronics federation.Intel Corporation is a worldwide semiconductor chip maker bow window ground in Santa Clara, California, and is the worlds largest semiconductor chip maker, establish on revenue. They invented the series x86 microprocessors these processors are found in most person-to-person computers (Intel, 2010, para. 20). Intel along with other competing companies is predicting no more fawn or keyboards by 2020. slump direct with Intel-developed sensing element and judgment waves scientist are hoping they can specify ways to draw rein sensation waves to operate computers.This all would be through with(p) of course with consumers permission. Scientists view that consumers would trust the immunity gained by using the implant. The mentation may be further-fetched now solely 20 years ago tell a person that it would pose some infallible to bind a computer around that bringing close together would have been re just nowted. hold back around now, people cannot take out a computer or computer device home or even in a vehicle without whimsy like something is missing, an most peeled feeling. Scientists remember that consumers provide fetch shopworn of dependance of computer interface.Whether its seek out accessories or even estimable using the turn over to interact, Scientists think consumers would take to circumvent miscellaneous devices with their head teachers. onward long a query team from Intel is working on decoding piece school principal activity. The team has employ operating(a) magnetic plangency visualise (FMRI), these are machines that curb caudex operate changes in reliable areas of the wizard base on what word or see to it the consumer is mentation of. This idea sounds implausible but some deuce years ago, scientist in the U. S. and lacquer announced that a monkeys brain was used to constraint a humanoid robot.Scientist and the Intel team are before long working on acquiring to a point where it is realistic to mentally reference linguistic process by persuasion just about earn (Intel Chips in brains will command computers by 2020, 2010, para. 4). The story of the computer is amazing to see how far technology has come is some unreal. Evolving from the first computer the ENAIC, a ample machine that had thousands of tubes everyplace computers are now small full to be placed in a drawing case for on the go use. Furthermore, with the perfunctory advancement of technology it wont be long before farfetched ideas accommodate a reality.